Student Perspective: Rebecca Curaçao
By: Rebecca, Broadreach alum April 16, 2024 High School Adventures, Scuba, Marine Biology
What Broadreach trip have you completed?
Curaçao Marine Biology Adventure
Why did you decide to do a Broadreach program?
I wanted to learn more about coral ecology. I had already previously taken the college marine biology course but I wanted to experience a different way. Going abroad to Curaçao allowed me to do that. It was a 21-day trip where I could get three scuba certifications, hike a mountain, do turtle conservation and so much more. What really sold me was the coral restoration I got to do.
What was the best part of your Broadreach trip?
So many things to choose from, but I would have to say the people I met there. Every breakfast, lunch, dinner and late-night shenanigans, were filled with laughter and happiness.
Were you nervous before going on your Broadreach trip? If so, what about?
Totally. I barely spoke when we met at the airport in Curaçao, but mainly because I was so tired. However, I would say my nerves came from meeting new people. I adjusted within the first day or so.
What’s a funny or meaningful memory from your trip?
It has to be the Fourth of July! We started the day off with authentic American music, while we ate breakfast. After that, we headed to Curaçao Recycling treatment, where we learned how they recycle and make art from plastic. Following, we ate lunch and then started our Fourth of July celebration. Our instructors had set up a relay course, that included swimming, scuba, and obstacles. My team won! After that we played in the ocean, singing country music. Dinner came by and went. Our group made our way to the dock and watched the hotel next to us set off fireworks. We were literally less than 15 feet away it was amazing!
What’s the coolest or most impactful thing you learned on program?
Definitely how to scuba dive. I’ve always wanted to and it came true when I went on the trip! Now I’m certified in three different courses.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself before your first Broadreach trip?
To be more extroverted the first couple of days. It will help a lot to get to know the people there.