Student Perspective: Fiona Caribbean
By: Fiona, Broadreach alum April 16, 2024 Middle School, Scuba, Sailing, Marine Biology
What Broadreach trip have you completed?
Caribbean 12-Day Intro to Marine Biology
Why did you decide to do a Broadreach program?
I wanted to experience something where I was fully involved and present. I was already very interested in Marine Biology and wanted something that could strengthen my knowledge in the area. Broadreach seemed like the perfect option and pushed me to be the best version of myself.
What was the best part of your Broadreach trip?
My favorite part was probably experiencing something that I had never done before while meeting such incredible people. I made such good friends and learned so many new things. We had a couple of land days where we were able to go on hikes or wander into small towns which was so much fun.
Were you nervous before going on your Broadreach trip? If so, what about?
I was 14 when I went on the trip, I traveled to St Martin by myself so I was a bit nervous about being alone. I also knew no one going into it which didn’t end up being a problem at all, since everyone was so nice. Overall, though, I was extremely excited and anxious to have such an incredible experience.
What’s a funny or meaningful memory from your trip?
My favorite memories were probably just having so much fun together as a group, I remember after dinner we would do the dishes together and sing karaoke and dance around the boat. It truly felt like a little family, even with the instructors we felt such a tight bond. It was such an incredible community-building experience.
What’s the coolest or most impactful thing you learned on program?
Not only did I learn how to scuba dive, I also learned about sailing, marine biology, and teamwork. I can’t emphasize enough the strength of the bonds I built while I was on this trip.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself before your first Broadreach trip?
I don’t think I would change much but if there was one thing I would say introduce people to each other before even getting on the boat. I remember all the trips had dinner together at base camp before splitting up and because I didn’t know anybody yet I was a little bit lonely.
Learn more about our Caribbean Intro to Marine Biology Trip here.