High school students on Advanced sailing voyage summer program sail monohull sailboat in the Caribbean
High School Adventures

Caribbean: Leeward + Windward Islands 24-Day Sailing Voyage

Embark on a liveaboard sailing voyage across the arc of the Caribbean with a crew of like-minded adventurers. Experience the challenge and power of navigating the open seas. Come away with skills and confidence that you will use to propel yourself forward.

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Teens sailing monohull through Caribbean on advanced sailing summer program
Teens hike on Caribbean island during sailing summer program
High school students pose on Caribbean island during advanced sailing summer camp

Days navigating the blue waters of the Caribbean

  • Master sailing techniques on a 500 nautical-mile sailing passage, earning multiple certifications alongside a new crew of friends.
  • Learn the fundamentals of small and large boat handling, laser sailing and boat racing.
  • Let the stars guide you on a night sail and plot your own path as you take the helm with the support of your crew and dedicated instructors.
  • Earn your stripes building knowledge of weather patterns and their effects, seamanship and safety at sea.
  • Hike through spectacular Caribbean ecosystems, waterfalls in Grenada and the dense tropical jungle on Dominica.
June 17 - July 10, 2025$7,380Call for optionsEnroll Now
July 14 - August 6, 2025$7,380UnavailableEnroll Now

*Enrollment open now for alumni only, general enrollment opens 9/15.

“This trip gave me the security and life lessons I needed to become the person I want to be in life… while it may not seem like a simple trip can change you, it shaped me in ways I couldn’t have imagined nor expected and I will forever be grateful to Broadreach for it. I made a family and had an experience that has changed my life for the best. I love every place we visited, and the time with my crew was the best of my life. Broadreach is amazing.” Tyler, high school alumnus

This summer sailing program for high school students offers:


Sailing Certifications


Service Hours

Three sailing certifications available:

  • IYT International Crew
  • IYT Marine Communications (VHF-SRC)
  • Broadreach Flotilla Skipper

Five hours of service learning through community-based projects.


  • Some previous exposure to sailing – this program is a good fit for students who enjoy being on sail boats but extensive sailing skills are not required.
  • Available to students completing grades 9-12.
sailing summer program for teens

Get ready for the summer of a lifetime! Sail the arc of the Caribbean, exploring different islands along the way with your crew of other teen sailors.


Day 1-3

Intensive sailing from the get-go

First tasks: provisioning, settling into quarters, and getting to know the boat and your shipmates. Phase One of our journey begins with intensive sail training and skill review in the Renaissance Islands of St. Martin and St. Barts. We start with practicing the basics – jibing, tacking and points of sail. The distances to be covered and the nature of the sea demand perseverance, respect and hard work. Teamwork is essential, and working alongside your new friends makes it fun.


Day 4-8

Catch some wind

Already getting your sea legs, you discover your vessel’s personality: how her sails handle the wind, how her hull slices through the waves, the music of her rigging and her moods. Training intensifies as the crew practices man-overboard drills and learns to safely navigate from island to island. Docking and mooring practice help build the crew’s confidence as a team. When you’re not sailing, take some time to discover the distinct characteristics of each island and take in the beautiful scenery.


Day 9-14

Service, adventure and cultural immersion

Congratulations! At this point, you’ve earned the first of your sailing certifications – one of our key goals. Celebrate your accomplishments with a day spent exploring forts and snorkeling on the French island of Guadeloupe. You’re ready to begin phase two of the voyage, in which we shift our focus from rigorous sail training to island adventure, cultural immersion and community service. First mission: a service project in Dominica, a unique opportunity to experience Caribbean culture by working with its people. Dominica is a spectacular land of towering mountains, huge waterfalls and dense rainforests. Night sail to St. Lucia and hike up the dramatic jungle-covered peaks of the Pitons, where we can see the islands we’ve come from and check out where we’re headed!


Day 15-24

You at the helm

Sailing is second nature and the crew is ready to start phase three of the trip. The program leaders step back now to become silent observers. It’s up to you and your shipmates to chart and plan the remainder of the voyage. Sweep south through the Windwards. As you hop to and from the tiny unspoiled islands of the Grenadine Passage, you find the most beautiful anchorages of the journey. Snorkel on the shallow reefs of Tobago Cays hike on uninhabited islands and visit places only accessible by boat. What islands will you visit? You and your crew will decide… just be back in Grenada in time for your departure! Sailing into our final anchorage is a joyous arrival but sentimental goodbye to the yacht we’ve grown to love and respect.

*The 2nd session of this program reverses the itinerary as we sail from Grenada to St Martin*